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Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I smile and giggle as often as possible, if not all the time. "You are so happy all the time, how do you do that?" they say. I just shrug my shoulders and smile even more, making them think that what they are seeing or think they are seeing is the truth. It's easier that way, isn't it? 

When I was little, the phrase "When you smile, the world smiles with you" was like the smell of my grandmother's cooking, slowly but surely filling every room, going up your nostrils, making you crave whatever it is brewing in the pot. It made people happy, which made her happy...it was her responsibility to make sure that, at a certain time, joy was dancing in the house, dancing to the smell of her aromatic cuisine.

That's how I feel about smiling. It is my responsibility to smile whenever I walk into a room full of people, wherever I am, really, because "when you smile, the world smiles with you"! I crave the world's approval of my "happiness" because it makes them "happy" too, right? But, what happens when I stop smiling?

Recently, I have paused to take a moment from not smiling, I feel no reason to (as a normal human being would feel at times). I'm waiting for someone to walk into a room and smile at me for a change. Can somebody smile, so I can be part of the world that smiles with you?